Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Spending More Time With The Family By Entrepreneurship

Several top income earners in home based businesses mention that spending more time with their kids and family was the central reason behind their decision to become entrepreneurs. How many of you have joined home entrepreneurships because you eventually desired to spend more time with your family? Did this problem contribute to either your family or marital issues? How many hours did you initially invest in your entrepreneurship? How many hours do you currently invest in your entrepreneurship which allowed you to have more time? If you have not achieved your goals in your entrepreneurship, you are still encouraged to respond and stress how time is currently crippling part of your contentment.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Negative Motives of Starting Your Own Business

From my studies, many entreprenuers' negative experiences in the working world has lead them to start their own business. In 50 words or less, please share the negative experiences in the working world that inspired you to start your own business. By sharing these experiences, it will promote a greater understanding on why entreprenuers are willing to take financial risks in order to become their own bosses.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Why Should You Put Up With Job Misery

If your current work environment is killing you, you may want to read this following blog. It concerns stories about people who feel trapped in a job and believe they are powerless. After you have finished reading the story, ask yourself these questions:

1. Are you experiencing these things at your current job?

2. Is your current job hell worth it for you to stay in it?

Now here's the story:

"In the recession of the early 90’s I was in a job that I hated. The boss was a bully, his wife (second in command) was a shrew, the work was utter drudgery, and the office politics were worse than any in Washington. At least most of my coworkers were nice, but that was the only plus. I couldn’t quit because we needed my income and new jobs were almost impossible to find. I hated my life and I was constantly lashing out at my husband. I blamed him because I couldn’t quit. I hated my life and I was constantly lashing out at my husband. I blamed him because I couldn’t quit. "

Although, Jane eventually left this job within three years, millions of Americans who share Jane's situation decide to remain in their job hell for 5 to 10 years. Jane was clearly wrong in lashing out at her husband, but even if she did not lash out at him, her relationship probably would have still suffered. She may have left this job much earlier if she did not hold one common misconception:

1. You can not leave your job, if they are no other jobs available.

Millions of Americans who are abused by their bosses continue to be vicitmized because they hold this misconcpetion. The bosses have the upperhand and dealing out abuse. Unless there abuse is sexual or racial, the boss have the privelege to berate, belittle, degrade and humiliate you, there is absolutely nothing in the law that demands that they treat you courteously. However, the reason why they can do this is because they simply offer you a paycheck.
At-will employers can have bosses who bully and inflict intimidation. Although those who have the courage to stand up to tryant bosses should be commmended, it is not fair to expect others to risk termination in order stand up for their self respect. What happens if the employer fires the associate who displays this courage? How will they provide for themselves, after they get fired? Even if the associate, can be eligible for unemployment, this is very often not enough to pay the rent for their families. Unfortunately, many Americans live in these conditions and their personal relationships at home suffer. There are not given advice on how to cope in these situations and make them better. Note: Links to some websites that offer advice on how to cope with situation will be provided at the end of this post. Although, term solutions need to be applied to consistent job degradation, for many Americans, this type of abuse will not end until they decide they are ultimately in control in breaking the power the bosss has over them in their lives. The abusive bosses have power over the subordiantes lives because they provide the income for the associates to survive on.
This is why the associate needs to realize that there are several ways to invest 3-5 years in an opportunity and generate an income which does not rely on employers. Franchsing, real estate, investments, traditional entrpenuership and home entrprenuership are some the ways women can make invest and recieve a return that allows them to economically depend on themselves rather than a company. These opportunities can produce a liveable wage. It will take a serious committment, but isn't it worth escaping the degradation, misery and humiation that is inflicted upon tryannical bosses on a daily basis? The misery or possiblity of misery from an oppressive working environments, led entreprenuers to decide that they are going to dictate their financial success. They are going to make themselves accountable rather than be accountable to a company. And most importantly, they will guarantee themselves absolute freedom from oppresive working environments created by abusive supervisors. These are the incidents that lead many enterprenuers to decide to be their own boss so they can depend on themsleves to provide for their families. This quote from an entreprenuer sums it up quite nicely:
"When you work for yourself you are in complete control. You do what you want when you want. The amount of income you make is no longer decided by someone else. Its decided by you and only you."
You can either decide to remain a victim or you can decide to set a plan to stop being a victim.
P.S. To learn how one manager stopped being a victim of the system, please click :
This is only one way, you can either e-mail Mark Fuller at Justice44@rocketmail.com or call him at 703-508-4855 for more suggestions.